You in Your Small Corner, and I in Mine

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I had the most beautiful walk along our esplanade recently. The sun was shining on the water, making it sparkle like a sea of diamonds, and there wasn’t a cloud in the azure blue sky. The tide was out and a flock of sea birds were feasting on sandworms and other delicacies, judging by the noise, they were thoroughly enjoying their breakfast!!

As I looked out, at this stunning vista, a wave of gratitude filled my heart. I was grateful for the health and strength to walk the 3 miles +, my vision to see the beauty of the scene before me, and being able to hear the call of the birds and the passing traffic as people headed to work. It was a wonderful start to my day. It made me really appreciate how peaceful and safe this part of the world is and how different it was for Ukrainians waking up each morning if indeed they had slept at all.

As I walked, I found myself thinking about what small acts of kindness I could do that day, what could I do to help? These words popped into my head “You in your small corner and I in mine” I knew these words, but initially, I couldn’t place them. Then it came to me, they were from a hymn that I sang as a child in Sunday School, many years ago.

“Jesus bids us shine with a pure clear light, like a little candle burning in the night. In this world of darkness, let us shine, you in your small corner and I in mine”

That’s all we can do, shine a light in our own small corner of the world. If we all do that, can you imagine how much light and love there would be in our world? So go on, shine your light wherever you are on this beautiful planet and let’s see the difference it makes. What a great way to start 2024.

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